Status Report (Expense Billing)

This menu option provides a report of the Expense Billing runs that have been processed.  This report indicates as at a specified date when Expense Billing was processed per Pay Centre for a Scheme.


This is necessary because as expenses are enabled to be run per Pay Centre, it makes it more difficult to monitor the status of the process per scheme.


Log in to the system from the Logon page.


Click processes, then click expense billing


The following screen is displayed.



Select Expense Billing from the top menu.


The following sub-menu will be displayed on the left.



Select Status Report.  The screen will display a drop-down list to select a scheme.



Select a scheme from the drop-down list and click SEARCH.


TheExpense Billing Status Report screen will be displayed with the data extracted.



The following columns are displayed.

-        Scheme

-        Period From

-        Period To

-        Run Date

-        Pay Centre

-        Membership Group

-        User ID

-        Doer Timestamp

-        Authorisor User

-        Authorisor Timestamp



The contents of the report can be filtered down to a specific period and / or Pay Centre by using the Search facility.  The search facility is displayed on the screen as follows:



Criteria can be entered directly into the appropriate boxes, or selected via the drop-down lists.   will display a drop-down list of the available options.


There are three sets of columns for selection.


First column


Make selections based on one or more of the available fields.  Multiple selections can be specified in any combination.

Second column


For each of the selections in the first column, specify one of the following operands from the drop-down list:

=    (equal to)

<>  (not equal to)

<    (less than)

<=  (less than or equal to)

>    (greater than)

>=  (greater than or equal to)

like (similar to)



When using the "like" operand, the value specified in the third column must end with %, e.g. SADI% could find SADIE, SADIEN, SADIEZA, etc.  If % is included in front of the name (optional), all names containing the string will be found, e.g. %SADI% could find BASADIEN, SADIE, SADIEN, SADIEZA, etc.

Third column


For each of the selections in the first column, provide a specific value.  


Once the search criteria have been entered, click SEARCH.


The screen will filter the contents of the report and display the selected records as per the specified search criteria.


Additional options

Specify the sort sequence in which the records should be displayed on the screen.  Click either the Asc (Ascending) or Desc (Descending) radio button. 



Once selected, ensure that the other search criteria are specified, then click SEARCH.


You can create an export file (in CSV format) of the records displayed on the screen. 



Capture an e-mail address, then click EXPORT.  The report will be e-mailed to the address provided.



The system will read the Batch Control record with a Type of Run of EXPENSES for the Scheme selected.


The system will find the latest records per Client Org Unit and per Membership Group for which the Status is AUTHORISED.


If there is no value for Membership Group, the latest record per Client Org Unit will be read.


If there is no value for Client Org Unit, the latest record for the Scheme per Membership Group will be read.


If there is no value for Client Org Unit or Membership Group, the latest record for the Scheme will be read.