SAP Introduction


SAP is employed in the UK as an integrated HR and Payroll business suite.  It records all pension contribution data as well as recording the pensionability of active staff (although it should be noted that the source for this data is the PenServer system).


Specified member data is extracted through data files and sent to UK Pension Administration for processing.

-  Existing SAP Systems:

-  Group SAP

-  Wealth SAP

-  BarCap SAP

The Fund is structured on the basis of one fund with several sections. 


Various pay centres exist  and relevant data for all active and pensioner members gets exported from the various SAP systems and uploaded into Vision and vice-versa via several interfaces, each of which have a different purpose.


(Active members communicate with HR and deferred and pensioners communicate with UK Pension Administration).



SAP to Vision Automated Interfaces

The interface files generated from the various SAP systems are placed in a common interface directory where these files are transferred from UK Pension Administration to ABSA and retrieved and imported into Vision.







Employee Data



New Pensioner staff numbers



Employee and Employer contributions deducted by payroll


Every day, Vision will poll the directory for work.  If there is work, the file will be loaded and immediately removed from the directory.  In the same way, Vision will know that work has been done that is required to go to SAP and hence Vision will create and place a file in the SAP directory.

-  Vision has a pre-work area, and mechanisms to restore that area if a problem occurs exist.  The normal process is for the user to confirm the data by authorising the remittance or received data. 

-  A report is available to show any monetary variances at the time of authorising, so that the user can be pre-warned to check.  There are also existing reports that show all changes that have been made to a record.


Vision to SAP Automated Interfaces

Vision generates the following files and puts them on a directory from where they are retrieved and imported into the various SAP systems.







Pension Scheme Indicator



Update SAP Payroll with changes



New and amended Pensioner details



Salary contributions for leavers with less than 2 years service


After import by UK Pension Administration, various reports are generated, which are investigated by the Data Integrity Team and the DC Team, following which various manual database corrections are carried out.  In addition, PenServer produces outbound interfaces files (via the GRCB Application Support Team) which are sent to the various SAP systems. 


For more information refer to

Client Specific



SAP Interface File Layouts



The following are the member extracts that will be produced for daily and monthly processes:

-  Interface 1  : Member Record (Basic, Salary History, Hours History, Address, future dated exits)

-  Interface 1b : Membership Group Category Changes

-  Interface 2  : Contribution Amounts / Rates

-  Interface 3  : New Pensioners and Changes to Pensioner Records

-  Interface 3b : New Company Reference Numbers for Pensioners

-  Interface 4  : Member’s monthly earnings record

-  Interface 8  : Yearly Earnings History


Interface 1

Personnel and payroll data updated for active employees on Group, BarCap and Wealth SAP Systems are updated on Vision.  File data includes:

-  Personal detail changes for active employees including (but not limited to) title, surname, marital status and grade.

-  New joiners (this includes any subsequent changes to start dates)

-  Leavers including resignation, redundancy and dismissal

-  Future dated exits)

-  Pay centre transfer (inter-group transfers)

-  Absence breaks including (but not limited to) maternity leave, career breaks, adoption leave, paternity leave

-  Contract changes, viz. temporary to permanent

-  Address changes for active employees (home and work)

-  Salary changes (positive and negative) in respect of pensionable salary, shift pay and shift percentages

-  Changes to working hours in respect of actual hours and full time hours

-  Non-UK indicator changes, i.e. if an employee moves from UK to Isle of Man, Channel Islands or overseas


To view the file layouts for Interface 1, refer to

Client Specific



SAP Interface File Layouts


Interface 1b

The requirement from SAP is to receive the pensions scheme indicator whenever it changes on Vision.  In certain scenarios, this will be received from SAP on Interface 1 and for the other scenarios; these changes will be extracted from Vision and sent to SAP in the Interface 1b file.


Interface 1b extracts changes of pension scheme indicator and date for Afterwork members opting in either through choice or because they've reached age 25 or for existing members opting out.  This applies for those changes that have been made as a result of business processes, not those that have been made as a result of Interface 1.


Only changes made for members on Group, BarCap and Wealth pay centers will be extracted.  These changes must be updated on Group, BarCap and Wealth SAP systems. 


File data includes:

-  Amended pension scheme indicators and dates

-  Unique pension member numbers allocated from the pension administration system


Once a month, the following membership group category changes that have not been extracted in a previous extract, will be extracted:

-  For all new members that have been added manually to Vision without going through Interface 1.

-  When the eligibility batch job moves a member from one membership group to another. 

-  When there are manual category changes.


To view the File Layouts for Interface 1b, refer to

Client Specific



SAP Interface File Layouts


Interface 2

Vision will maintain employee and employer contribution amounts and rates.  These can be at the member's request or contribution changes as a result of various other business processes, e.g. mandatory contributions created for new joiners, rate changes for certain contribution type as a result of crossing an age band, etc.


These changes are uploaded to Group, BarCap and Wealth SAP systems to ensure that the correct deductions are made. 


File data includes:

-  Amended pension scheme indicators and dates

-  New, ceased or amended DC contribution rates/amounts


To view the File Layouts for Interface 1b, refer to

Client Specific



SAP Interface File Layouts


Interface 3

Information held on Vision for new or amended pensioner's details and beneficiary details will be uploaded to the Group SAP system.  This can be member, widow or child pensioners.  This interface primarily extracts data for pensioners who are to be paid in GBP through the UK payroll.  However, it also extracts data for members of the 1964, Afterwork and PIP schemes, that are to be paid in foreign currencies.  1951 fund pensioners as well as Uganda, Zimbabwe, Zambia and Special Allowance pensioners, paid in foreign currencies, are dealt with on the 1951 fund pensioner payroll. 


File data includes:

-  New pensioner details in respect of member/widow/child/dependent pensions

-  Amended pensioner details in respect of member/widow/child pensions including (but not limited to) the following:
- Annual pension increases
- State pension deductions
- Address changes
- Bank detail changes
- Marital status changes
- Pension suspensions
- Pension reinstatements
- Pension cessations


To view the file Layouts for Interface 1b, refer to

Client Specific



SAP Interface File Layouts


Interface 3b

When UK Pension Administration set up a new pensioner, the details of the member and new pension amount are extracted on Interface 3 to SAP where it creates a new pensioner record with a new pensioner staff number.  This new pensioner staff number is then sent back and will be updated in the company reference number on Vision via Interface 3b


To view the file layouts for Interface 3b, refer to

Client Specific



SAP Interface File Layouts


Interface 4

Interface 4 transfers employee payroll data (monthly earnings and contracted out earnings), and contribution data from the Group, BarCap and Wealth SAP systems to Vision.  This interface is a trigger to the monthly contribution process on the workflow system. 


File data includes:

-  Employee and Employer contributions as calculated (and for EE, deducted) by Payroll

-  Adjustment of contributions previously paid incorrectly

-  Monthly earnings

-  Contracted out earnings

-  The difference per contribution type for retrospective contributions


To view the file layouts for Interface 4, refer to

Client Specific



SAP Interface File Layouts


Interface 8

The extraction of the salary sacrifice contribution refunds for leavers with less than 2 years service for inclusion in SAP Interface 8.  This will be done by the benefit products defined for early leaver benefit events.


These entries will be extracted into a file from the accounting transactions based on the sub process on the benefit product.


The SAP Interface 8 extract batch job (BJU3FFO0) will execute on a monthly basis.  This batch job will read the schemes that have the scheme parameter of SAPINTERFACE8 captured.


To view the file layouts for Interface 8, refer to

Client Specific



SAP Interface File Layouts



The following high level SAP interface diagram identifies all of the relevant stakeholders involved in the SAP interface processing.