From the main menu on top, select Annuities. A sub-menu will be displayed on the left.
Click alongside Create Tax Certificates File on the sub-menu on the left. Additional options will be displayed.
To define the parameters for the file extract, click New below Create Tax Certificates File. The JU3SE Annuity Payment Tax Certificate File screen will be displayed.
Capture details as follows:
Scheme |
Click LIST to select a scheme from the JU1BK Scheme List screen. Enabled for all schemes or at a main umbrella scheme level. |
From Date |
The date from which the file extract must apply. |
To Date |
The date to which the file extract must apply. |
Tax Certificate File |
Select the tick-box to indicate that a Tax Certificate File in PDF format must be produced. |
The email address to which the extract must be sent. |
All Schemes |
Once the data has been captured, click OK.
The system will read the TAX INTERFACE field on the Benefit Tax Directive Request. If the value is not SARS, the system will not extract the data from the Benefit Tax Directive table for the Member.
The system will read the Territory for the Scheme and if it is SOUTH AFRICA extract the data as per the table below for Memberships for which the Membership Status is ANNUITANT or LIVING ANNUITANT and for which there was a Membership Payment record with a Start Date less than or equal to the Start Date of the Tax Year and the End Date is null or greater than the Start Date of Tax Year.
The data will be extracted in the same way for the Membership Payment records and for the Beneficiaries.
Each of the fields in the file will be created with the Code in the table below followed by a comma and the value for the field e.g. the value for PAYE Reference Number will be 2020,0123456789.
If the Tax Certificate File check box is ticked, the system will read the document template with a Process Type of ANNUITY and a Template Type of TAX CERTIFICATE. The data will be extracted as per the template and create a PDF document per member.
When the file is created a Benefit Tax Directive record will be created for each record and the fields will be updated as per the Update Filed column in the table below.
Each record will be created with the ISSUE DATE equal to the To Date.
Any Alpha, Alpha Numeric or Free Text fields (Indicated by A, AN or FT in the table below) will be contained in opening and closing quotation marks e.g. the value for Employer Contact Person will be 2025,”AB Normal”.
CSV File Example:
2010,"PDNA Group Pension Fund",2015,"TEST",2020,7640753986,2022,"L640753986",2024,"U640753986" 2025,"LeandraScholtz",2026,"0415038614",2027,"[email protected]",2028,"Easy-Tax",2030,2011,2031, 201102,2035,2522,2063,"Cnr",2064,"nk and Parliament Streets",2065,"Central",2066,"Port Elizabeth", 2080,6001,9999
3010,"764075398620110200000000000006",3015,"IRP5",3020,"N",3025,2009,3030,"NOTHARD",3040, "BARRY",3050,"B",3060,6203085134082,3080,19620308,3100,1954015200,3160,"270",3170,20080930,3180,20080930,3200,1.0000,3210,1.0000,3213,"2",3214,"STATION ROAD",3215,"AXBRIDGE",3216, "SOMERSET",3217,"2000",3221," 2",3222,"STATION ROAD",3223,"AXBRIDGE SOMERSET",3229,"2000" ,3230,"0000010398273",3240,0,3909,19903,3698,19903,4101,0.00,4102,7961.22,4141,0.00,4142,0.00,4149,7961.22,9999
3010,"764075398620110200000000000008",3015,"IRP5",3020,"N",3025,2011,3030,"DOMANCIUC",3040, "NATALIA",3050,"N",3060,7112090784188,3080,19711209,3100,3035315146,3160,"1000032",3170,20100514,3180,20100514,3200,1.0000,3210,1.0000,3213,"63",3214,"KEI ROAD",3215,"FARRARMERE",3216, "BENONI",3217,"1501",3221," 63",3222,"KEI ROAD",3223,"FARRARMERE BENONI",3229,"1501",3230, "0000010546352",3240,0,3920,44283,3698,44283,4101,0.00,4102,0.00,4115,3920.98,4141,0.00,4142,0.00,4149,3920.98,9999
3010,"764075398620110200000000000014",3015,"IRP5",3020, "N",3025,2008,3030,"KROONEMAN",3040, "JEANPAUL BERNARD LOUIS",3050,"JBL",3060,6306275721087,3080,19630627,3100,0167363175,3160, "1",3170,20070731,3180,20070731,3200,1.0000,3210,1.0000,3213,"3",3214,"FULHAM ROAD",3215, "CAMPS BAY",3216,"CAPE TOWN",3217,"8005",3221," 3",3222,"FULHAM ROAD",3223,"CAMPS BAY CAPE TOWN",3229,"8005",3230,"0000010688126",3240,0,3902,3623,3698,3623,4101,0.00,4102,362.93, 4141,0.00,4142,0.00,4149,362.93,9999
3010,"764075398620110200000000000033",3015,"IRP5",3020, "N",3025,2011,3030,"XHAKAZA",3040, "SABELO MAXWELL",3050,"SM",3060,7709305485087,3080,19770930,3100,0078361151,3160,"162", 3170,20100729,3180,20100729,3200,1.0000,3210,1.0000,3214,"UNIT 4",3215,"CANTEBURY BELLE", 3216,"DURBAN",3217,"4001",3221," ",3222,"UNIT 4",3223,"CANTEBURY BELLE DURBAN",3229,"4001", 3230,"0000010825555",3240,0,3920,84446,3698,84446,4101,0.00,4102,0.00,4115,11150.33,4141,0.00,4142,0.00,4149,11150.33,9999
3010,"764075398620110200000000000035",3015,"IRP5",3020, "N",3025,2008,3030,"KHAMA",3040,"TEFO ABEL",3050,"TA",3060,7703225276080,3080,19770322,3100,2735252146,3160,"204",3170,20071231,3180,20071231,3200,1.0000,3210,1.0000,3214,"UNIT NO 2",3215,"2044 MARULA STREET",3216, "CENTURION",3217,"0157",3221," ",3222,"UNIT NO 2",3223,"2044 MARULA STREET CENTURION",3229, "0157",3230,"0000010834259",3240,0,3902,3275,3698,3275,4101,0.00,4102,275.83,4141,0.00,4142,0.00,4149,275.83,9999
3010,"764075398620110200000000000037",3015,"IRP5",3020, "N",3025,2011,3030,"MASOOA",3040, "MOTHOANA FRANCIS",3050,"MF",3060,7403295349087,3080,19740329,3100,1589029147,3160,"63", 3170,20100810,3180,20100810,3200,1.0000,3210,1.0000,3214,"7 WINCLIFF COMPLEX",3215,"DUKES AVENUE",3216,"WINDSOR WEST",3217,"2194",3221," ",3222,"7 WINCLIFF COMPLEX",3223,"DUKES AVENUE WINDSOR WEST",3229,"2194",3230,"0000010859035",3240,0,3920,67425,3698,67425, 4101,0.00,4102,0.00,4115,8086.56,4141,0.00,4142,0.00,4149,8086.56,9999
3010,"764075398620110200000000000039",3015,"IRP5",3020, "N",3025,2009,3030,"POTGIETER",3040, "ALLEN",3050,"A",3060,6009295310085,3080,19600929,3100,1543203648,3160,"108",3170,20080630,3180,20080630,3200,1.0000,3210,1.0000,3214,"8 WINELANDS ESTATE",3215,"PAARL",3216,"WESTERN CAPE",3217,"7646",3221," ",3222,"8 WINELANDS ESTATE",3223,"PAARL WESTERN CAPE",3229,"7646", 3230,"0000010868967",3240,0,3909,203961,3698,203961,4101,0.00,4102,81584.62,4141,0.00,4142,0.00,4149,81584.62,9999
Employer Header Record |
Field Name |
Code |
Size |
Format |
System value / Value |
Comment |
Update Field |
Trading or other name |
2010 |
90 |
FT |
If the value for Description on the Scheme Parameter with a Parameter Type of TAX ENTITY is ADMINISTRATOR populate this with the Administrator Name (NAME on ORGANISATION UNIT) If the value is SCHEME read the Pooling Status on the Scheme. If it is SUB-UMBRELLA then populate this with the REGISTERED NAME of the MAIN UMBRELLA Scheme to which the SUB-UMBRELLA Scheme is linked. If the Pooling Status is NONE then populate this with the REGISTERED NAME of the Scheme. |
Mandatory |
TEST / LIVE indicator |
2015 |
4 |
A |
Mandatory. TEST if the file is a test file or LIVE if it is a production file. |
PAYE Reference Number |
2020 |
10 |
N |
If the value for Description on the Scheme Parameter with a Parameter Type of TAX ENTITY is ADMINISTRATOR populate this with the value for SARS SYSTEM ID on Administrator. If the value is SCHEME read the Pooling Status on the Scheme. If it is SUB-UMBRELLA then populate this with the value for REGISTRATION NUMBER on FUND REGISTRATION for SARS for the MAIN UMBRELLA Scheme to which the SUB-UMBRELLA Scheme is linked. If the Pooling Status is NONE then populate this with the value for REGISTRATION NUMBER on FUND REGISTRATION for SARS for the Scheme to which the Member is linked. |
Mandatory |
SDL Reference Number |
2022 |
10 |
AN |
Blank |
Skills Development Levy reference number of the employer |
UIF Reference Number |
2024 |
10 |
AN |
Blank |
Unemployment Insurance Fund Reference Number |
Employer Contact Person |
2025 |
30 |
A |
If the Trading Name above is the Name of the Administrator populate this with the Contact Person linked to the Administrator Branch, to which the Scheme is linked, with a Description for Role of Contact Person of TAX CONTACT PERSON. If a Contact Peron with a Role of TAX CONTACT PERSON is not found find the Contact Person linked to the Administrator with a Description for Role of Contact Person of TAX CONTACT PERSON. If the Trading Name above is the Name of the Scheme populate this with the Contact Person linked to the Scheme with a Role of TAX CONTACT PERSON. |
Employer Contact Number |
2026 |
70 |
FT |
Value for TELEPHONE AREA CODE 1 and TELEPHONE NUMBER 1 on the CLIENT ADDRESS record with an Address Type of SARS RESIDENTIAL, SARS POST STR, SARS POST BOX or SARS PRIVATEBAG linked to the Contact Person used in 2025. |
Employer E-mail address |
2027 |
70 |
FT |
Value for ELECTRONIC ADDRESS IDENTIFIER 1 on the CLIENT ADDRESS record with an Address Type of SARS RESIDENTIAL, SARS POST STR, SARS POST BOX or SARS PRIVATEBAG linked to the Contact Person used in 2025. |
Payroll Software |
2028 |
12 |
FT |
Blank |
Optional |
Transaction year |
2030 |
4 |
N |
Tax year for which extract processed |
Mandatory CCYY |
Period of Reconciliation |
2031 |
6 |
N |
To Date |
Mandatory CCYYMM |
Employer SIC7 Code |
2082 |
5 |
AN |
66300 |
Mandatory Employer Standard Industry Classification Code |
Employer SEZ Code |
2083 |
3 |
AN |
Default to ZAR |
Mandatory Employer’s Special Economic Zone Code. A list of Codes must still be published by SARS. Until then default to “ZAR” |
Employer Trade Classification |
2035 |
4 |
N |
The activity code according to the VAT 403 Trade Classification guide applicable to your business. |
Mandatory |
Employer Physical Address: Unit Number |
2061 |
5 |
AN |
Value for LINE 1 on the CLIENT ADDRESS record with an Address Type of SARS RESIDENTIAL linked to the Contact Person used in 2025. |
Optional |
Employer Physical Address: Complex |
2062 |
26 |
FT |
LINE 2 on the CLIENT ADDRESS record used for 2061 |
Optional |
Employer Physical Address: Street Number |
2063 |
8 |
AN |
LINE 3 on the CLIENT ADDRESS record used for 2061 |
Optional |
Employer Physical Address: Street / Name of Farm |
2064 |
26 |
FT |
LINE 4 on the CLIENT ADDRESS record used for 2061 |
Mandatory |
Employer Physical Address: Suburb / District |
2065 |
33 |
FT |
LINE 5 on the CLIENT ADDRESS record used for 2061 |
Mandatory |
Employer Physical Address: City / Town |
2066 |
21 |
FT |
LINE 6 on the CLIENT ADDRESS record used for 2061r |
Mandatory |
Employer Physical Address: Postal Code |
2080 |
4 |
N |
POSTAL CODE on latest CLIENT ADDRESS record used for 2061 |
Mandatory |
Employer Physical Address Country Code |
2081 |
2 |
A |
Default to “ZA” |
End of record |
9999 |
4 |
N |
Employee Information |
Field Name |
Code |
Size |
Format |
System value / Value |
Comment |
Certificate number |
3010 |
30 |
AN |
Find the latest Annuity Tax file that was created for which the Transaction Year (tax year) is the same as the file being created and if found find the value for Certificate Number for the same Member. If no previous file is found for the same Transaction Year read the Batch Parameter ANNTAXCERTNR and increment it by 1. If a previous file is found but there is no record for the Annuitant read the Batch Parameter ANNTAXCERTNR and increment it by 1.
The Tax Year component of the number must equal value for Code 2030. Eg. August 2016 Submission will be “201708” while February 2017 Submission will be “201702” |
This value is currently “201608” for the August 2016 submission. It must be “201708” |
Type of Certificate |
3015 |
6 |
AN |
If value for SITE (code 4101) or PAYE (code 4102) is not zero then set this to IRP5. If zero then set this to IT3(a) |
Nature of person |
3020 |
1 |
A |
N (Pensioner) |
Mandatory |
Year of Assessment |
3025 |
4 |
N |
Tax year for which extract processed |
Mandatory CCYY |
ETI (Employment Tax Incentive) |
3026 |
1 |
A |
Default to “N” |
Mandatory |
Employee surname or trading name |
3030 |
120 |
FT |
SURNAME on Natural Person linked to Membership/Beneficiary |
Mandatory |
First two names |
3040 |
90 |
FT |
FIRST NAME 1 and FIRST NAME 2 on Natural Person linked to Membership/ Beneficiary |
Mandatory |
Initials |
3050 |
5 |
A |
INITIALS on Natural Person linked to Membership/ Beneficiary. |
Mandatory |
Identity number |
3060 |
13 |
N |
IDENTITY NUMBER on Natural Person linked to Membership/ Beneficiary and for which the Identity Type is SOUTH AFRICAN IDENTITY DOCUMENT |
Mandatory if Passport Number is not supplied |
Passport number |
3070 |
18 |
A |
Passport Number |
Mandatory if Identity Number is not supplied |
Country of Issue |
3075 |
3 |
A |
If the value for 3070 is not null then populate this with the value for System Value field on the RT Permitted Value for the UDPV Object TERRITORY for the value for Passport Country of Issue on the Natural Person record for the Membership |
Mandatory if Identity Number is not supplied.
Note: Missing Data must be resolved at source |
Date of birth |
3080 |
8 |
N |
DATE OF BIRTH on Natural Person linked to Membership/Beneficiary |
Mandatory |
Income Tax reference number |
3100 |
10 |
N |
TAX NUMBER on Natural Person linked to Membership/Beneficiary |
Mandatory |
Employee SIC7 Code |
3263 |
5 |
AN |
Mandatory Standard Industry Classification Code for the industry in which the member is employed. |
Employee SEZ Code |
3264 |
3 |
AN |
Special Economic Zone Code where the employee mainly works Default to ZAR
Conditional Only valid if Period of Recon is 201402 or later
If the certificate type is ITREG this field must not be completed.
Note: Payroll Systems can default this field to ZAR. SARS will provide a list of SEZ codes once the Minister of Finance provides a list. An approved list of SEZ codes will be published on the SARS website |
Employee contact E-mail |
3125 |
70 |
FT |
ELECTRONIC ADDRESS IDENTIFIER on Client Address linked to Membership/Beneficiary with an Address Type of RESIDENTIAL |
Optional |
Employee Home Tel No |
3135 |
11 |
AN |
TELEPHONE AREA CODE and TELEPHONE NUMBER on Client Address linked to Membership/Beneficiary with an Address Type of RESIDENTIAL or SARS RESIDENTIAL |
Optional |
Employee Bus Tel No |
3136 |
11 |
AN |
TELEPHONE AREA CODE and TELEPHONE NUMBER 1 on Client Address linked to Membership/Beneficiary and with an Address Type of BUSINESS |
Optional |
Employee Fax No |
3137 |
11 |
AN |
FAX AREA CODE and FAX NUMBER 1 on Client Address linked to Membership/Beneficiary and with an Address Type of RESIDENTIAL, SARS RESIDENTIAL or BUSINESS. |
Optional |
Employee Cell No |
3138 |
11 |
AN |
CELLULAR PHONE NUMBER on Client Address linked to Membership/Beneficiary and with an Address Type of RESIDENTIAL or SARS RESIDENTIAL. If not found then CELLULAR PHONE NUMBER on Client Address linked to Membership/Beneficiary and with an Address Type of BUSINESS. |
Optional |
Employee Address Details: - Business: Unit Number |
3144 |
8 |
AN |
Blank |
Optional |
Employee Address Details: - Business: Complex |
3145 |
26 |
FT |
Blank |
Optional |
Employee Address Details: - Business: Street Number |
3146 |
6 |
AN |
Blank |
Optional |
Employee Address Details: - Business: Street/Name of Farm |
3147 |
26 |
FT |
Blank |
Optional |
Employee Address Details: - Business: Suburb/District |
3148 |
33 |
FT |
Blank |
Optional |
Employee Address Details: - Business: City/Town |
3149 |
21 |
FT |
Blank |
Optional |
Employee Address Details: - Business: Postal Code |
3150 |
9 |
AN |
Blank |
Optional |
Employee Physical Work Address Details - : Country Code
3151 |
2 |
A |
Indicates the country code of the physical address where the employee mainly works
Mandatory if Nature of Person is not N and the rest of the address is extracted.
Note: Refer to Appendix A for the predefined list of country codes |
Employee number |
3160 |
25 |
AN |
Membership Reference Number if Membership Payment record is for Member of Unique ID if Membership Payment record is for Beneficiary |
Optional |
Date Employed From |
3170 |
8 |
N |
Start Date of Tax Year or Start Date on the Membership Payment record if it is greater than Start Date of Tax Year and less than the End Date of the Tax Year. |
Mandatory CCYYMMDD |
Date Employed To |
3180 |
8 |
N |
End Date of the Tax Year or Last Payment Date if it is less than the End Date of the Tax Year |
Mandatory CCYYMMDD |
Pay Periods in year of assessment |
3200 |
3.4 |
N Fixed decimal |
Read the Payment Frequency on the Membership Payment record and determine the number of periods as follows: Monthly = 012.0000 Quarterly = 004.0000 Half Yearly = 002.0000 Annual = 001.0000 |
4 decimals e.g. 12 months = 012.0000 For IT3(a) records this must be zeroes. |
Pay periods worked |
3210 |
3.4 |
N Fixed decimal |
Determine the number of months for which payments were made to the annuitant in the tax year based on the Start Date and End Date of the Membership Payment detail record. |
4 decimals e.g. 7 months 14 days = 7 +14/31 = 007.4516 For IT3(a) records this must be zeroes |
Employee Address Details – Residential: Unit Number |
3211 |
8 |
AN |
LINE 1 on the Client Address record with an Address Type of SARS RESIDENTIAL linked to the Annuitant/Beneficiary |
Optional |
Employee Address Details – Residential: Complex |
3212 |
26 |
FT |
LINE 2 on the Client Address record with an Address Type of SARS RESIDENTIAL linked to the Annuitant/Beneficiary |
Optional |
Employee Address Details – Residential: Street Number |
3213 |
8 |
AN |
LINE 3 on the Client Address record with an Address Type of SARS RESIDENTIAL linked to the Annuitant/Beneficiary |
Optional |
Employee Address Details – Residential: Street Name/Farm |
3214 |
26 |
FT |
LINE 4 on the Client Address record with an Address Type of SARS RESIDENTIAL linked to the Annuitant/Beneficiary |
Mandatory |
Employee Address Details – Residential: Suburb/District |
3215 |
33 |
FT |
LINE 5 on the Client Address record with an Address Type of SARS RESIDENTIAL linked to the Annuitant/Beneficiary |
Mandatory |
Employee Address Details – Residential: City/Town |
3216 |
21 |
FT |
LINE 6 on the Client Address record with an Address Type of SARS RESIDENTIAL linked to the Annuitant/Beneficiary |
Mandatory |
Employee Address Details – Residential: Postal Code |
3217 |
9 |
AN |
POSTAL CODE on the Client Address record with an Address Type of SARS RESIDENTIAL linked to the Annuitant/Beneficiary |
Mandatory |
Employee Address Details - Residential: Country Code |
3285 |
2 |
A |
Indicates the country code of Employee’s residential address. |
Mandatory if Nature of Person is not N and the rest of the address is supplied. |
Care of Address Indicator |
3279 |
1 |
A |
Default to “N” |
Mandatory |
Care of Intermediary |
3283 |
21 |
FT |
The person or organisation that will pass the mail on to the final recipient.
Conditional If the field “Care of address indicator” (Code 3279), is “Y”, this field is mandatory. |
Must not be completed if the field “Care of address indicator” (Code 3279), is “N”. |
Postal Address Structure Indicator
3288 |
1 |
N |
Indicate the format of the Postal Address
Default to “2” if Address Type = “SARS POST BOX” or “SARS PRIVATEBAG”
Default to “3” if Address Type = “SARS POST STR”
Default to “4” if Address Type = “POSTAL” |
Valid values: · 1 – Postal Address same as Residential Address · 2 - Structured Postal Address · 3 – Structured Physical Address (not the same as Residential Address) · 4 – Unstructured 4 line Postal Address |
Employee Postal Address Details PO Box or Private Bag
3249 |
12 |
FT |
Indicates if Employees Postal address is a PO Box or a Private Bag.
Note: this field size increase from 1 to 12. The Field type change from Alphabetic to “FT” |
Conditional – only required if code 3288 = “2” |
Either “PO Box or Private Bag” (Code 3249) or “Other PO Special Service” (Code 3280) must be completed.
Value can only be “PO_BOX” or “PRIVATE_BAG”. |
Employee Postal Address Details - Other PO Special Service (specify)
3280 |
10 |
FT |
Indicates the employees other special postal service. (E.g. Military field service address) |
Conditional – only required if code 3288 = “2” |
Either “PO Box or Private Bag” (Code 3249) or “Other PO Special Service” (Code 3280) must be completed. |
Employee Postal Address Details - Number |
3262 |
8 |
FT |
Indicates a number for the P.O. Box or Private Bag.
LINE 1 on the Client Address record with an Address Type of SARS POST BOX or SARS PRIVATEBAG linked to the Annuitant/Beneficiary |
Conditional – only required if code 3288 = “2”
Mandatory if value for field 3249 is completed. |
Employee Postal Address Details – Postal Agency or Sub-unit (if applicable) (e.g. Postnet Suite ID) |
3251 |
21 |
FT |
Blank |
Conditional only required if code 3288 = “2”.
optional |
Employee Postal Address Details – Post Office |
3253 |
23 |
FT |
LINE 2 on the Client Address record with an Address Type of SARS POST BOX or SARS PRIVATEBAG linked to the Annuitant/Beneficiary. |
Conditional only required if code 3288 = “2”
Mandatory if 3288 = “2” |
Employee Postal Address Details – Postal Code |
3254 |
9 |
AN |
POSTAL CODE on the Client Address record with an Address Type of SARS POST BOX or SARS PRIVATEBAG linked to the Annuitant/Beneficiary |
Conditional only required if code 3288 = “2”
Mandatory if 3288 = “2” |
Employee Postal Address Details Country Code
3286 |
2 |
A |
Indicates the country code of Employee’s postal address.
Conditional only required if code 3288 = “2”
Mandatory if Nature of Person is not N and address is extracted |
Employee Address Details – Postal: Unit Number |
3255 |
8 |
AN |
Indicates Number of the Employee’s Postal Address |
Conditional only required if code 3288 = “3”
Optional if 3288 = “3 |
Employee Address Details – Postal: Complex |
3256 |
26 |
FT |
Indicates the complex name of the Employee’s Postal address. |
Conditional only required if code 3288 = “3”
Optional if 3288 = “3” |
Employee Address Details – Postal: Street Number |
3257 |
5 |
AN |
Indicates the street number of the Employee’s Postal address.
Conditional only required if code 3288 = “3”
Optional if 3288 = “3 |
Employee Address Details – Postal: Street Name/Farm |
3258 |
25 |
FT |
Indicates the street / name of farm of the Employee’s Postal address.
Conditional only required if code 3288 = “3”
Mandatory if 3288 = “3” |
Employee Address Details – Postal: Suburb/District |
3259 |
33 |
FT |
Indicates the suburb / district of Employee’s Postal address. |
Conditional: only required if code 3288 = “3”
Conditional if 3288 = “3” either code 3259 or code 3260 must be supplied. |
Employee Address Details – Postal: City/Town |
3260 |
21 |
FT |
Indicates the city / town of Employee’s Postal address. |
Conditional only required if code 3288 = “3”
Conditional if 3288 = “3” either code 3259 or code 3260 must be supplied. |
Employee Address Details – Postal: Postal Code |
3261 |
9 |
AN |
Indicates the postal code of the Employee’s Postal address. |
Conditional only required if code 3288 = “3 |
Employee Postal Address Details Country Code |
3287 |
2 |
A |
Indicates the country code of Employee’s postal street address.
This will be extracted as part of the Address. Corrections are to be done at source by the Business. |
Conditional only required if code 3288 = “3
Mandatory if Nature of Person is not N and address extracted. |
Employee Postal Address Details : Line 1 |
3289 |
35 |
FT |
Indicates the first line of the postal address of the employee
Conditional only required if Code 3288 = 4
Mandatory if Code 3288 = “4” |
Employee Postal Address Details : Line 2
3290 |
35 |
FT |
Indicates the second line of the postal address of the employee
Conditional only required if Code 3288 = 4
Optional if code 3288 = 4 |
Employee Postal Address Details : Line 3 |
3291 |
35 |
FT |
Indicates the third line of the postal address of the employee
Conditional only required if Code 3288 = 4
Optional if code 3288 = 4 |
Employee Postal Address Details : Line 4 |
3292 |
35 |
FT |
Indicates the fourth line of the postal address of the employee |
Conditional only required if Code 3288 = 4
Optional if code 3288 = 4 |
Employee Postal Address Postal Code |
3293 |
10 |
AN |
Indicates the postal code of the postal address of the employee |
Conditional only required if Code 3288 = 4
Mandatory if the field 3288 = “4” and Nature of person is not “N”
If field “Employee Postal Address Details Country Code” (Code 3294) is ZA and Nature of Person is not N, then this field is mandatory and: · Must consist 4 numeric characters, (e.g. ‘0040’ must be written to the import file as “0040” and not as “40”); · Must not be “0000”
If field “Employee Postal Address Details Country Code” (Code3294) is not ZA, then this field is optional
If Nature of Person is N, then this field is optional |
Employee Postal Address Country Code |
3294 |
2 |
A |
Indicates the country code of Employee’s unstructured postal address |
Conditional only required if Code 3288 = 4
Is required is field 3293 is supplied. |
Directive number |
3230 |
13 |
A |
TAX DIRECTIVE NUMBER on Membership Payment Details. If it is null then blanks. |
Mandatory |
Employee Bank Account Type |
3240 |
1 |
N |
If the PAYMENT METHOD on Membership Payment Details is EFT read the BANK ACCOUNT TYPE on the DTI Account linked to the Membership/ Beneficiary Set the value as follows: CURRENT – 1 SAVINGS – 2 TRANSMISSION – 3 CREDIT CARD – 5 If the PAYMENT METHOD is not EFT set this value to 0 (Not paid by electronic bank transfer). |
Mandatory |
Employee Bank Account Number |
3241 |
17 |
N |
If the value for Employee Bank Account Type is not 0 read the DTI ACCOUNT NUMBER on the DTI Account linked to the Membership/ Beneficiary. |
Optional |
Employee Bank Branch Number |
3242 |
6 |
N |
If the value for Employee Bank Account Type is not 0 read the DTI BRANCH CODE on the DTI Account linked to the Membership/ Beneficiary. |
Optional |
Employee Bank Name |
3243 |
50 |
A |
If the value for Employee Bank Account Type is not 0 read the NAME on the CLIENT linked to the DTI BRANCH CODE on the DTI Account linked to the Membership/ Beneficiary. |
Optional |
Employee Bank Branch Name |
3244 |
50 |
A |
If the value for Employee Bank Account Type is not 0 read the NAME on the DTI BRANCH with a DTI BRANCH CODE on the DTI Account linked to the Membership/ Beneficiary. |
Optional |
Employee Account Holder Name |
3245 |
50 |
FT |
If the value for Employee Bank Account Type is not 0 read the NAME on the DTI Account linked to the Membership/ Beneficiary. |
Optional |
Employee Account Holder Relationship |
3246 |
1 |
N |
1 – Own 2 – Joint 3 – Third Party |
Optional |
Income Received |
3601 – 3617 3619 3651 – 3667 3669 3701 – 3718 3751 – 3768 3801 – 3810 3813 3851 – 3860 3863 3901 – 3909 3915 3920 3921 3951 – 3957 |
15 |
N |
If the value for Tax Relief Percentage on the Membership Payment Detail record is 100 then set this to 3604. If the value for Tax Relief Percentage on the Membership Payment Detail record is null or less than 100 then set this to 3603 Read the Accounting Activity Association record with a Purpose of TAX FILE and retrieve the Business Transactions from the Member’s PENSIONPAYBL Account and NOTIONALPMT Account with an Accounting Activity equal to the Accounting Activities found on the Accounting Activity Association table and with an Effective Date greater than or equal to the Tax Year Start Date and less than or equal to the Tax Year End Date.
Sum the Business Transactions retrieved.
Note: The transactions must be retrieved from the PENSIONPAYBL account as the PENSIONPAID account will include suspended payments. |
Code 3619/3669 is only applicable from 2017 year of assessment.
The amounts indicated under this code must be excluded from codes 3697 and 3698 for years of assessment prior to 2017
3696 + 3697 + 3698 must be equal to the amount supplied under income for years of assessment prior to 2017
3696 + 3699 must be equal to the amounts supplied under income from 2017 year of assessment
Note: The Effective Date must be used as any arrears from a previous tax year are created with the Due Date of the previous tax year and therefore will not be picked up.
In cases where payment is due at the start of a month but is made in the previous month because the payment date falls on a weekend, the Transaction Date will be created with the actual payment date. Where this is the payment for March it will not be extracted in the correct tax year. The Effective Date is created with the date when the payment was due. If this date is used the payments will be extracted for the correct tax year. |
INCOME_ CODE_1, INCOME_ CODE_2, INCOME_ CODE_3 and INCOME_1 INCOME_2 INCOME 3 Update INCOME_ CODE_1 with the first Code and INCOME_ CODE_2 with the second Code, Etc. Update INCOME_1 with the amount for the first Code, INCOME_2 with the amount for the second Code, etc. |
Non-taxable income |
3696 |
15 |
N |
Blank |
Gross retirement funding income |
3697 |
15 |
N |
Blank |
Gross Employment Income (taxable) |
3699 |
15 |
N |
This is the sum total of all amounts for all income source codes NOT included in code 3696 |
Mandatory if no value is indicated under code 3696. |
Where code 3615/3665 is “0” and no other income codes are specified, value must be nil:
If code 3922 (PAYE) value exceeds R 300,000 the full amount must be included under this code 3696 + 3699 must be equal to the amounts supplied under income.
No negative amounts are allowed and will be rejected if specified.
Cents must be omitted (decimal amounts is invalid).
If the certificate type is ITREG this field must not be completed. |
Deductions |
4001 – 4003 4005 - 4007 4018 4024 4026 4030 4474 |
15 |
N |
Retrieve the Pre-Authorised Annuities with an Accounting Activity of PENSIONDED and with an Effective Date greater than or equal to the Tax Year Start Date and less than or equal to the Tax Year End Date and a Status of AUTHORISED BT and for which the value for the Payment Instance ID is MEDICAL AID, MED AID CONT or RA CONTRIBUTION. Set this as follows: 4005 for MEDICAL AID plus MED AID ER CONT 4006 for RA CONTRIBUTION |
Blank |
Note: The Pre-Authorised Annuity record is extracted and not the Business Transaction as the Payment Type is not carried on the Business Transaction and can only be obtained from the Pre-Authorised Annuity record. The only way to distinguish the type of deduction is by the Payment Type.
DEDUCTION_ CODE_1, DEDUCTION_ CODE_2, DEDUCTION_ CODE_3 and DEDUCTION_1, DEDUCTION_2,DEDUCTION_3 Update DEDUCTION_ CODE_1 with the first Code, DEDUCTION_ CODE_2 with the second Code, Etc. Update DEDUCTION_1 with the amount for the first Code, DEDUCTION_2 with the amount for the second Code, etc. |
Medical Aid contribution paid on behalf of the Employee |
4493 |
15 |
N |
Medical Aid contribution paid on behalf of the Employee. Retrieve the BT’s in the Member’s PENSIONPAYBL account with an Accounting Activity of PENSIONDED and for which the Income Type is MERS. |
Optional. Only applicable to those who have this benefit |
Total Deductions / Contributions |
4497 |
15 |
N |
Sum of the Deductions and 4493 |
4101 |
11.2 |
N |
Retrieve the Business Transactions from the Member’s / Beneficiary’s PENSIONPAYBL Account with an Effective Date greater than or equal to the Tax Year Start Date and less than or equal to the Tax Year End Date and with the following Accounting Activities: BASETAXPAYBL ARBASETAXPBL
Sum the Business Transactions. |
See note above. |
4102 |
11.2 |
N |
Retrieve the Business Transactions from the Member’s / Beneficiary’s PENSIONPAYBL Account with an Effective Date greater than or equal to the Tax Year Start Date and less than or equal to the Tax Year End Date and with the following Accounting Activities. TAXPAYABLE ADDTAXPAYBL ARRTAXPAYABL BONTAXPAYBL REVPAYEPAYBL YTDPENTAXPBL YTDPENTAXPBLRV TAXPROVISION YTDTAXPROV
Sum the Business Transactions. |
See note above. |
PAYE on retirement lump sum benefits |
4115 |
11.2 |
N |
Blank |
Employee & Employer UIF Contribution |
4141 |
11.2 |
N |
Blank |
Employer SDL Contribution |
4142 |
11.2 |
N |
Blank |
Total Tax, SDL & UIF (employer and employee contribution) |
4149 |
11.2 |
N |
Blank |
Medical Aid Tax Credit |
4116 |
11 |
No |
The Medical Aid Tax Credit stored on the Tax Record on a monthly basis. |
Conditional These fields must be provided if there is a value in code 4005. |
Medical Aid Tax Credit for persons under age 65. |
Additional Medical Scheme Fees Tax Credit |
4120 |
11.2 |
N |
Additional Medical Expenses Tax Credit if employee ≥65 allowed by Employer for PAYE purposes |
Conditional mandatory if any value specified for Medical Scheme Contributions (code 4005) and the employee is 65 years and older – validate to Date of Birth (code 3080) |
Employment Tax Incentive (ETI) |
4118 |
11.2 |
N |
The sum of the calculated ETI amounts for the employee during the year of assessment in accordance with section 7 of the ETI Act.
If Certificate has ETI (Employment Tax Incentive) (Code 3026) is marked with “Y” and Nature of person (Code 3020) is A,B,C, M or R |
Reason code for IT3(a)
4150 |
2 |
N |
If a person is on Zero Tax for reasons of Medical Aid Tax Credit then the reason come must be set to “08” If the value for Type of Certificate (code 3015) is IT3(a) then read the value for Tax Directive Percentage. If the value is 0 (zero) then set this to 08. If the value is not 0 or is null then read the Tax Relief Percentage and if it is 100 then set this to 08. If the values for Tax Directive Percentage and Tax Relief Percentage are null then set this to 02. IT3(A)_REASON_CODE. |
02 = Earnings are less than threshold 04 = Non-taxable earnings or nil directives. |
Employer Trailer Record |
Field Name |
Code |
Size |
Format |
System value / Value |
Comment |
Employer total number of records |
6010 |
15 |
N |
Total number of Employee records |
Employer total code value |
6020 |
15 |
N |
Sum total of the value of all CODES for all of the Employee records |
Employer total amount |
6030 |
12.2 |
N |
Sum total of all of the AMOUNTS for all of the Employees. |
End of record |
9999 |
4 |
N |
To view the Certificate, click View below Create Tax Certificates File. The JU3SH Annuity Tax Certificate File screen will be displayed.
Select a Team from the drop-down list and click SUBMIT.
The JU3SH Annuity Tax Certificate File screen will be displayed.
To view file details, highlight a file and click OPEN. The JU3SH Annuity Tax Certificate File Detail screen will be displayed.
The following details are displayed:
- Scheme
- Reference Number
- Certificate Number
- Tax Year
- Surname
- Initials
- Date of Birth
- Income Tax No
- Lumpsum
- Tax
- IT3(a) Reason
To search for a file, click SEARCH.
The JU3SH Annuity Tax Certificate File Search screen will be displayed.
Capture search data as follows:
Surname |
The surname of an annuity tax certificate recipient. |
Member Reference Number |
The reference number of the member of a scheme. |
Income Tax Reference Number |
The tax reference number of a member. |
Once the detail(s) have been captured, click OK.
The JU3SH Annuity Tax Certificate File Detail screen will be display the results of the search.
To view a PDF document for each annuitant, click PDF below Create Tax Certificates File. The Bulk Flex screen will be displayed.
The following columns are displayed:
- Sequence
- Scheme Code
- Date Effective Run
- Date Effective To
- Date Extracted
- User ID
- Auth User ID
- SR Number
- Action
To display a list of certificates, click the display hyperlink in the Action column.
The Bulk Flex screen will be displayed with a CREATE BULK PDF - FILE action button and CREATE PDF action buttons for each pensioner.
The following columns are displayed:
- Timestamp
- Date Effective
- Scheme Code
- Membership Group
- Branch
- Membership No
- Company Reference No
- Surname
- Initials
- Date of Birth
- Pensionable Date
- Salary
- Retirement Date
- Retirement Age
- Pay Centre
- Start Date
- Action
When VIEW is selected from the sub-menu on the left on the JU3SH Annuity Tax Certificate File screen and then PDF is selected from the sub-menu on the left, the system will read the applicable PDF Template i.e. if the Type of Certificate is IRP5 it will read the PDF Template with a Process Type of ANNUITY and a Template Type of IRP5 and if the Type of Certificate is IT3(a) it will read the PDF Template with a Process Type of ANNUITY and a Template Type of IT3(a), and extract the data as per the template and create a PDF document for each annuitant.
Creating a bulk pensioner certificate PDF file
To create a bulk file click CREATE BULK PDF – FILE. The following message will be displayed:
Do you want to save this bulk print to a file?
Click OK to save the file.
The following confirmation message will be displayed on the screen:
Job submitted successfully
Creating a PDF certificate for a pensioner
To create a PDF certificate for a pensioner, click the CREATE PDF action button alongside the pensioner. A pensioner certificate will be displayed in PDF format.
For more information refer to
Tags for IRP5 and IT3(a) Pensioner Certificates