Cheque Summary

Create summarized payments

Select Cheque Summary from the sub-menu on the left.  The JU2CG Cheque Summary screen will be displayed.



Field notes:


Scheme Details

Click LIST.  This links to the JU1BK List screen and displays a list of products to select from.  Once a selection has been made, click SELECT.

Summarise up to:

The date up to which the cheque summary is required.


Enter the required date, then select SUM.  The summarized cheque details will be displayed on the lower section of the JU2CG Cheque Summary screen.



The cheque instructions displayed are summarized per scheme code, FROM bank account, payee name, payee ID and accounting activity process.


View payment details

To view details for a specific entry, highlight the relevant line, then select OPEN. The JU2CG Summarised Payment Details screen will be displayed.



View previous summary

To view details that have previously been summarized, select LIST.  The previously summarized cheque details will be displayed on the lower section of the JU2CG Cheque Summary screen.



You can create an export file (in CSV format) of the summarized payment and cheque instructions making up that payment.


Highlight the relevant line, then select Export from the sub-menu on the left. 



The JU2CG Email Cheque Summary screen will be displayed.



Provide an e-mail address, then click EXPORT.  The Smartstream interface report will be e-mailed to the address provided.