This option enables you to capture details of the bank account to which the regular payment amount must be made.
Select Bank Account from the sub-menu on the left.
The JU1CN Bank Account Details screen will be displayed.
Descriptions of the input fields appear below:
Bank Details |
Name |
Click the LIST button at the end of the line to flow to the JU1AR Bank List screen and select a bank.
This field is mandatory. |
Branch Details |
Branch Bank Code |
Click the LIST button at the end of the line to flow to the JU1AZ Bank Branch List screen and select a bank branch.
This field is mandatory. |
Account Details |
Account Type |
Type of operating account, e.g. Current Account or Savings Account.
Select a value from the drop-down list.
This field is mandatory. |
Number |
Account number Do not capture spaces between the numbers into the Bank account number field or capture the member account Name in the numerical field.
This field is mandatory.
Note: The Account Type and Account number must be checked to be correct as allocated by the bank. This data is used in "downstream" processes making or receiving payments. Should it fail validation against the bank then the payment will NOT take place. |
Roll Number |
The Building Society Roll Number.
Note: If the Account Type selected is BUILDING SOCIETY, then Roll Number will be enabled for capture. This field will accept special characters.
This field has a sort code of 6 digits and an account number of 8 digits, and in addition a roll number of 15 characters, 5 digits followed by a forward slash and then 10 digits e.g. 0505/1111111111. The forward slash can be captured anywhere in the number. |
IBAN Number |
International Bank Account Number. |
Start Date |
Effective date from which account can be used.
This field is mandatory. |
End Date |
Terminate the use of the account |
Account Name: Initials |
The initials of a person who is the account holder. |
Surname /Company |
The surname of a person who is the account holder, or the name of the Company who is the account holder.
This field is mandatory. |
Bank Interface |
The specific bank Interface mechanism used, e.g. ACB, Barclays Kenya, Barclays Zambia, Nedinform, CPS, CPY, FNB Online, LDC, BIB, etc.
Select a value from the drop-down list. |
Mandate |
Indicate whether a mandate will be used to collect funds. Only needed if BANK INTERFACE is NEDINFORM. |
Line Number |
Activated where a mandate is used to collect funds. This is a unique number that authorises the collection of funds from the account. Note: In the case of regular payments to a foreign bank, e.g. annuity payments, this field will be used for the number used by the bank for the set up of the member’s banking details. In the case of UK this is known as the Line Sheet Number. |
Status |
The status of the account holder validation, e.g. NOT VALIDATE, VALIDATED, REJECTED, USER VALIDATED, etc.
Select a value from the drop-down list.
When any of the fields on the bank account record are updated, the status field will be updated to NOT VALIDATED.
Only needed if BANK INTERFACE is LDC.
Note: The account holder validation (AHV) via LDC only validates account numbers for ABSA, First National Bank (FNB) and Standard Bank (SBSA). Where the account is held at any other bank, the status will be able to be updated to MANUAL VALIDATE and the user ID of the person who updated the status will be displayed. The authorizer can take this into account when checking the status of the account.
Note: If an existing Bank Account is selected under Bank Account (Name) above and the Status on the Bank Account is VALIDATED, the system will set the value for Status on the Bank Account to NOT VALIDATED. The Bank Account will then be picked up in the Account Holder Validation batch job and re-validated in the same way as if a new bank account had been captured. |
Registration Status |
The FICA registration status of the bank account.
Select a value from the drop-down list. |
SWIFT Bank ID Code |
Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication Bank Identifier Code.
Note: This field is 15 characters long and can be alphabetical or numerical. |
Foreign Payment Cut-Off Time |
The cut-off time for foreign currency payments. |
Complete the required information and click OK.
The JU1CN Bank Account List screen will be displayed.
To add a new bank account, click NEW. The JU1CN Bank Account Details screen will be displayed.
Capture the required details as described above and click OK.
The new bank account will be displayed on the JU1CN Bank Account List screen.
To view the details of an existing bank account, highlight a bank account on the JU1CN Bank Account List screen and click OPEN. The JU1CN Bank Account Details screen will be displayed.
To discontinue an existing bank account, highlight the bank account on the JU1CN Bank Account List screen and click DISCONTINUE USE. The JU1CN Bank Account Details screen will be displayed for the selected bank account.
Click OK to confirm that the use of this bank account must be discontinued.
The following confirmation screen will be displayed.
Are you sure you wish to discontinue this occurrence?
Click NO to cancel the discontinuance of the bank account or click YES to confirm discontinuance.
The bank account will be discontinued as at the current date on the JU1CN Bank Account List screen.